In honor of the day, here's a photo of our favorite fur baby, Rocky. He drives me absolutely crazy, but I love this little spotted dog! I even named my personal Instagram account and my garden plot after him the_spotted_dog_garden. So enjoy your day Rocko!!
Speaking of gardens...that's what I'm pondering today. I have a little area in our yard where, a couple of years ago, my husband built two raised boxes for me to plant herbs and tomatoes. As soon as we had those two boxes filled with dirt and planted I decided we needed two more boxes, but the hubs was not so inclined and didn't want to spend the cash to build more so, I had to improvise and use some old vinyl fence posts. And yes, with his help, we laid those old posts, end to end, so that now I have four boxes to plant in. That first summer my boxes grew like gangbusters, and I had lots of yummy garden pleasures. Needless to say that WAS my hobby that summer - I don't think I had time to paint one canvas during the whole time I was off for summer break, which is when most of my hobby time occurs.
Well, also that year I moved classrooms, and due to the fact that I am very impatient by the time summer break is rolling around, I decided to move everything myself in about 2 days. All that moving included about 10 boxes of hardbound picture books. Needless to say, by the time I had packed, moved and unpacked all those boxes - ALONE - I had inflicted a "slight tear to my left shoulder muscle"... OUCH!!! Lots of ice, lots of tears, lots of chiropractor visits and physical therapy, and let's not forget - lots of whining...and still (as hardheaded as they come) lots of digging in the garden. So the next year, I scaled down my planting (to the tune of just 2 boxes and the rest of the garden was filled with sunflowers) and did plenty more hobbies, like painting and taking up making wire wrapped jewelry. I loved that so much that I opened an Etsy store... worked it really well during the summer and fall - but as soon as the holidays came around and Kindergarten started swinging in high gear - Etsy took a nose dive! But, it's all still there, waiting to be purchased and shipped I've even created more pieces that I've got to add to the listings, during this Spring Break which ends in 2 days. (I'm a true glutton for punishment.)
Anyway, during the holidays this past winter I had talked myself into ONLY planting container pots for my fresh herbs this year. Yes, I've got those "pots" planted since it's Spring Break and they consist of: 2 1/2 raised beds!!! ARE YOU KIDDING????? What am I thinking?!! Let's just say I should have pondered this a little longer!
Yes sir, there you have it! The first box has five short rows of Arugula and about six short rows of Cherry Belle radishes. The second box has 40 onion sets and a few garlic sets!!! Then another box is planted with different varieties of flowers for cutting and making bouquets! Not to mention, the two large container pots of thyme, tarragon, basil and parsley. Oh my word, I know exactly what I will be pondering this summer..... Fresh from the garden!
It just doesn't get any better than this - having plenty to do and never enough time to do it all! But that's what makes life fun and gives me material for ........Pondering Life from the Porch.
See you next time, Christye
Job 8:16 "He thrives before the sun, and his shoots spread out over his garden."